Ultra Music Festival 2021 is postponed. The insecurity that the pandemic has brought continues to spread, blocking even the most daring attempts by the giants of the festival scene. After an entirely virtual edition in 2020, Ultra Music Festival planned a return to normality for 2021, announcing the dates of 26-27-28 March.


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With a press release published on social media, UMF‘s staff announced that the 2021 edition will be postponed by one year, precisely to 25-26-27 March 2022. All the hopes born with the start of numerous vaccination campaigns and the various COVID-FREE test-events (with covid19 swabs at the entrance) were not enough to reassure the organizers, who have chosen to postpone the event. The dismay of fans is big and the anger of those who had already purchased tickets is a lot. But safety is the number one priority. The Ultra Music Festival 2021 is postponed to next year due to Coronavirus.

Ultra Music Festival non si farà
Ultra Music Festival

In a moment of stasis and doubt like the one we are going through, with a closer vaccination treatment and the stronger desire to return to normality, we just have to wait and continue to dream, and in the meantime follow the numerous online events that accompany us edm-addicted.

About Kevin Barbaro

Music freak, Techno head. Graduated at UNICAL in Communication Sciences. PointBlank Music Industry Diploma Student.

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