Il Google Doodle dell’8 Settembre 2021 celebra la vita e le opere del leggendario dj, produttore e songwriter svedese AVICII (real name: Tim Bergling) oil quello che sarebbe stato il giorno del suo 32esimo compleanno. Uno dei pionieri e visionari più influenti della musica dance elettronica. Il doodle video è stato illustrato dalla Doodler Alyssa Winans ed è impostato su uno dei suoi successi globali più iconici: “Wake Me Up” con Aloe Blacc.

Tim Bergling nasce l’8 settembre 1989 a Stoccolma, in Svezia, pronto a raccogliere esperienze musicali multigenere, dal soul anni ’60 al glam-rock anni ’80. A 16 anni inizia a mixare brani nella sua camera da letto e nel 2011 pubblica la hit globale “Levels” sotto il nome “Avicii” dopo “Seek Bromance” come Tim Berg, aprendo la strada come una delle prime tracce di musica elettronica a scalare le classifiche pop e portandolo a esibirsi in 220 set in giro per il mondo dal 2011 al 2016.

Il 20 aprile 2018, dopo il ritiro dalle tournée nel 2016 a causa di problemi di salute, a causa di una prolungata lotta con stress e cattiva salute mentale per diversi anni, Tim si è suicidato all’età di 28 anni a Muscat (Oman), dove stava trascorrendo una vacanza con gli amici, con i cocci di una bottiglia di vetro di vino.
In seguito i suoi genitori ha avviato la fondazione Tim Bergling Foundation in sua memoria per sensibilizzare e affrontare lo stigma della salute mentale tra i giovani attraverso progetti e attività come “Concerto tributo a Stoccolma”, “Avicii Experience” e Avicii Arena!

Alcune parole da suo padre Klas Bergling:
“The Doodle is fantastic, my family and I feel honored and Tim would have been very proud and love it. It is a friendly and warm story of a young man fulfilling his dream to be a DJ and at the same time telling us that our journey in life is not always easy despite fame and fortune.
Sketch from Avicii 32nd Birthday Google Doodle by Alyssa Winans

Sketches from Avicii 32nd Birthday Google Doodle by Alyssa Winans

“When Tim was about 10-years-old, he sang the Swedish national anthem at full capacity. He really lived in the moment when doing that, and it was times like this I initially understood there was something special there.”

“Tim was such a special person, I was always proud of him for just being the person he was. In terms of his musical accomplishments, I will never forget when he played in a park called Strömparterren in Stockholm in the early days of his career. He’d told me explicitly to not come — maybe because it wasn’t very cool to have your father around at that age — but I went anyway and hid behind a tree. It was a great evening and I remember feeling surprised, amazed and very proud. When I came to find him backstage afterwards, he was so glad I came.”

AVICII awards:

– Swedish Grammis Awards for Best Innovator (2012) and Best Artist (2014)

– World Music Award for Best Electronic Dance Artist (2014).

– American Music Award for Electronic Dance Music Artists (2013)

– Billboard Music Award for Top Dance/Electronic Song (2014)

– MTV Music Award for Best Dance Music Video (2018)

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About Matteo Villa

29y passionate guy about music, social media, digital marketing and infographics! I founded youBEAT in 2012 as manifesto of my passion for electronic music, with the aim of promoting artists and events. Graduated in Media Languages at UCSC in Milan (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) with a thesis on the revolution of daily life with the streaming in entertainment and information.  Everyday more passionate and keen about data, tools and music insights and their connection in this everyday faster social connected world. From 2017-2023 A&R, Marketing and International Manager at EGO Music ( In 2024 I founded MAVIL, my artists&labels mgmt and promotion solo company!

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