Giunti ormai all’undicesimo episodio della rubrica 6SHOTS, proseguiamo la serie delle nostre interviste in multi-piattaforma su YouTube, Facebook e Twitch, ospite con noi c’è Piero Pirupa, un altro produttore italiano pronto a sottoporsi alle nostre 6 domande!

Piero ha abituato il pubblico a produzioni in orbita house che spaziano dalla tech alla tribal, senza disdegnare elementi più funk. Una carriera iniziata presto e che l’ha portato a suonare nelle venues più importanti del mondo, facendosi notare con il suo sound. Sound che dopo un pazzo 2020 sta cambiando come nella sua ultima release su Musical Freedom, No Control.


About Rudy Cassago

Rudy (29) currently based in Bergamo, here since 2019. I'll starts my experience with music in the same way as I do today: listening. When I was a teenager I was really addicted to metal music, especially Power Metal. I evolved to metalcore, post hardcore ecc. before meeting Skrillex on my way. So I started my interest in electronic dance music, living in a club, Vibe Music Zone, here in my town as a PR. I experienced a lot about live shows, club management and all that can walk around a club. With some mates by there we started a radio show. On Facebook first, than 2 years in a local radio, Radio Like, and one at Radio Loco. Here as art director and founder of The Garden Show, where my selection was played. 31st December 2020 I left my activity as a speaker to keep in touch more with music biz, studying at Point Blank Music School.

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