12705335_1676120242639976_9167490064348841057_nVISION diventa selvaggia e si trasforma in una giungla nella sua “Wild Edition”, che ospita l’olandese TOMMY WALKER (Rogier van Poppel), giovane 20enne di Breda che arriva in Italia direttamente dall’ Ultra Music Festival Miami 2016.

Line Up: Kom – TOMMY WALKER – FIVE – HUSQY – Andrea della Valle Dj

Media Partner: youBEAT

 youBEAT Intervista TOMMY WALKER

– When did you start djing and producing and why did you choose “Tommy Walker” as nickname?
TW: First of all I choosed “Tommy Walker” as nickname because my real name has a hard pronounce and TW it’s a fusion of two famous brands: Tommy Hilfiger & Johnnie Walker.
I started djing 5 years ago at a DJ contest in my hometown Breda and I continued to practice in a club of the city.
1 year later I started producing and I presented my first 3/4 demos to Black Hole Recordings, big label of Breda.

– You just released a new free remix of “Boom” by Major Lazer and your latest single “Stop” with NIXK came out 2 months ago.
Which style do you prefer and are you developing now?
TW: I love the combination of trap and future bass and I think that artists should follow their personal likes and styles, important point because we have to share real and good emotions to people with music.

– How did you feel when you played at Ultra Music Festival?
What do this achievement means for you and which are the suggestions you would give to young talents and beginners?
TW: UMF16 experience was awesome and unique for my life and little career.
Atmosphere was cool and during MMW you could keep in touch with many international artists and share music and love!

– What do you think about italian artists?
Which ones are the best in your opinion?
TW: There are lots of young italian talents out there! 
I know VINAI brothers but I love CONGOROCK style, I admire him!

– New releases/collaborations/remixes coming soon?
Which would be Summer 2016 anthem in your opinion?
A new free bootleg of Cash Cash – “Aftershock” is coming in 2 weeks.
I’m also working on a official remix for Kate Shaw!

In my opinion, “Carnage – November Skies” could be a massive hit for this summer festivals, but also “The Chainsmokers – Don’t Let Me Down” for international radios.

IMG_6529IMG_6527Photos by: Mattia Martegani


About Matteo Villa

29y passionate guy about music, social media, digital marketing and infographics! I founded youBEAT in 2012 as manifesto of my passion for electronic music, with the aim of promoting artists and events. Graduated in Media Languages at UCSC in Milan (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) with a thesis on the revolution of daily life with the streaming in entertainment and information.  Everyday more passionate and keen about data, tools and music insights and their connection in this everyday faster social connected world. From 2017-2023 A&R, Marketing and International Manager at EGO Music (www.egomusic.net). In 2024 I founded MAVIL, my artists&labels mgmt and promotion solo company!

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