942258_961868440597922_2585949808986410825_nE’ il giovane talento emiliano RULEZZ il nuovo ospite ufficiale annunciato per Nameless Music Festival 2016.
Dopo un’iniziale sperimentazione con la future house, che gli ha portato diversi supporti internazionali, vince un contest e suona al Sensation White di Amsterdam.
Il suo stile mischia trap e dubstep e lo si denota nei diversi remix e collaborazioni.

E’ attualmente seguito dalle realtà italiane Spaceship (Management) e Mac Mac Agency (Booking)

FOLLOW Rulezz:
FB: facebook.com/rulezzdj
TW: twitter.com/iamrulezz
SC: soundcloud.com/emmanuelesanto

IG: @rulezzofficial


#NMF16 #KeepOnDreaming

About Matteo Villa

29y passionate guy about music, social media, digital marketing and infographics! I founded youBEAT in 2012 as manifesto of my passion for electronic music, with the aim of promoting artists and events. Graduated in Media Languages at UCSC in Milan (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) with a thesis on the revolution of daily life with the streaming in entertainment and information.  Everyday more passionate and keen about data, tools and music insights and their connection in this everyday faster social connected world. From 2017-2023 A&R, Marketing and International Manager at EGO Music (www.egomusic.net). In 2024 I founded MAVIL, my artists&labels mgmt and promotion solo company!

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