Felix Jaehn, dj and producer from Germany, chatted with us about his new single “Do it better” with the talented singer Zoe Wess, the restart of his career and shows after the pandemic, the way he produces music and the path of his personal and artistic growth until now.
Felix, you started your career when you were so young. How your perspective of the scene is changed in these years, especially after the pandemic?
I was often overwhelmed, always felt like I was out of my comfort zone. I had to experience so many new situations and a tension in such a short amount of time that I was often overwhelmed. And getting older I grew and I learn from all these situations and today I fell much more centered and connected to myself and more secure so now I can step in all these situations knowing that I’m safe, loved, good and ok. I get to enjoy my work and my life much more because I’m basically more grounded and happy with myself so steppin in all these situations now feels more playful and fun than it did before.
“Do It Better” is your second release this year, should we expect a new album?
I’m not planning an album right now to be honest but you can expect much more releases and actually it wasn’t my second, there’s been a few more releases for example “Rain in Ibiza“,”Nuit Blanche” and I did a remix for Joel Corry and another one for Shouse. There’s much more to come, I already have some cool singers in my plans.
What sound do you prefer now for the production of your tracks
It’s still various like always but I’m definitely more life focused again and I don’t want to do too many experiments regarding tempo and sounds. So I’m sticking to 118 to 126 bpm and I want to be able to play all of my records live and at festivals too so yeah, dance music let’s go!!!
How did the idea between you and Zoe Wess was born and how was working together?
The idea of doing a song together was born when I made a remix for “Girls like us” and made a photoshoot for this song and we just connected so well and became friends immediately. I just laugh and sing and songwriter so ready for like one and a half years we’re looking for the right song for us to do together and then “Do it better” came about and I was working on it and send it to her, she loved it and we were like “let’s go this is the one!”. It was so much fun working with her.. she is super easy, super positive, professional and incredibly talented so it was very easy to work with her.
How are you living the restart of performances in the latest months? How do you feel the people?
I absolutely loved it, it’s insane! I feel like the energy of the crowds almost doubled.. everybody seems so excited to be back at festivals and every show it’s a homerun. It’s amazing, I loved it!
How you think an artist could keep the right balance in this everyday more challenging world between the development of skills and social media presence?
Avoid social medias as much as you can, I would say! I used to spend like one or two hours everyday on social media and I was so obsessed with it. I know it’s still super relevant especially when you’re an up and coming artist, it’s super important because it’s a kind of a modern currency now. But me being an established artist now.. I’m still on social media and I still share contents but there’s often days when I don’t post at all and I know the algorithms.. and the labels.. and everybody would be like “you should do more, you could be even more successful, but I just don’t care about that so much anymore. I feel like the music will always find its way. And my main focus is, and should always be creating and making music and performing at shows and social media is a nice add-on for, for fans to engage. And for me to be able to share my vision.
Thank you Felix Jaehn and Get In PR for the opportunity!