Con un comunicato stampa ufficiale e l’obiettivo di intrattenere e portare gioia con la musica, il CEO di Beatport Robb McDaniels ha annunciato la nascita di ReConnect – A Global Music Series, evento in streaming che si terrà su Twitch Venerdì 27 Marzo dalle ore 21:00 e vedrà esibirsi direttamente dalle loro case 24 artisti internazionali come Carl Cox, RÜFÜS DÜ SOL, Nina Kraviz, Gorgon City, Duke Dumont, Bonobo, Chris Liebing, A-Trak, Nora En Pure ed altri.
Questo evento raccoglierà anche fondi per due enti di beneficenza, il primo specifico per combattere contro la pandemia Coronavirus mentre l’altro per il mondo della musica elettronica:
– COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund (WHO)
– Association for Electronic Music
Di seguito la line up ufficiale
Beatport è una società digitale con tre uffici in tutto il mondo con quasi 100 dipendenti. Il team lavora in smart working dal 13 marzo e continuerà a farlo almeno fino al 20 aprile e l’impegno di tutto il team è quello di mantenere la stabilità della piattaforma e i servizi offerti attivi senza rallentamenti nonostante la difficoltà internazionale causata dal Coronavirus.
Nel mese di Marzo, il traffico su Beatport è aumentato come anche il numero delle vendite, segnale positivo che esalta il valore e l’importanza della musica come strumento di intrattenimento e condivisione, in questo periodo ancor di più che in altri dove purtroppo non è possibile viverla ai concerti, agli eventi e ai festival.
Considerando quindi che un numero potenzialmente maggiore di potenziali clienti potrebbero utilizzare la piattaforma da casa per costruire i loro set, il numero di release sulla piattaforma è aumentato e quindi il team di curation è occupato come non lo è mai stato.
Beatport sta anche assistendo a un aumento del numero di abbonamenti LINK dato che un numero sempre maggiore di DJ capisce il valore di avere accesso immediato a milioni di brani per sperimentare i mix prima dell’acquisto. Finora, oltre il 50% degli abbonati LINK sono nuovi clienti di Beatport, probabilmente rappresentano la prossima generazione di DJ che non hanno mai scaricato una canzone in vita loro.
Di seguito il comunicato stampa:
Dear Beatport Customers,
The purpose of this outreach is to let you know how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting Beatport and what we are doing to temporarily modify our operations, while also trying to provide whatever support we can to our global community during this most challenging time. While we aren’t in a position to help solve the crisis, I do believe we can bring moments of joy to many of you and many more of your fans and friends.
For the past 16 years, Beatport has played an important role for independent labels, artists and producers by creating a marketplace where DJs can buy and sell music and sound packs. The sales generated through our platform help put money in artists pockets and get people moving on dance floors worldwide, even if those are now just living rooms and bedrooms.
Yes, we are a digitally based company, but we do have three offices around the world with nearly 100 staff. Our team has been working from home since March 13th and will continue to do so until at least April 20th. However, no operations have been slowed or negatively impacted by this transition.
Traffic to our store has been increasing much of March and sales volume continues to be strong in the face of so much adversity for so many. Sensing that more potential customers may be using this time at home to build their sets, many of our labels are sending new releases they may have otherwise postponed, so our curation team is as busy as they have ever been.
We are also seeing an uptick in the number of LINK subscriptions as more DJs realize the value of having immediate access to millions of songs to experiment with mixes before purchasing. So far, more than 50% of LINK subscribers are brand new customers to Beatport, likely representing the next generation of DJs who have never downloaded a song in their lives.
We are an adaptable human race, and there’s not much in this world that can stop people from wanting to connect with each other through music and dancing. We have seen lots of DJs hop online and start performing from their living rooms or studios for their fans, who have been soaking it up with all the passion and joy you would expect from the floors of a club in Ibiza or underground basement in Berlin.
To that end, Beatport announced today that we are hosting a 24hr online DJ event ReConnect starting on Friday, March 27th at 8pm GMT. 24 of your favorite DJs including Carl Cox, RÜFÜS DÜ SOL (DJ set), Nina Kraviz, Bonobo, Chris Liebing, A-Trak, Nora En Pure and many more will be live streaming from their homes directly into yours. This event will also be raising money for two incredibly important charities to help those most in need around the world and in our industry: the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO and the Association for Electronic Music’s hardship fund for their member companies.
Unlike most of “industry”, the global DJ community is a giant family with a shared passion for all things music. We create art that moves us and inspires us, and we create memories that last a lifetime. That will not change because of COVID-19; it will only drive us to do it with a greater commitment to our craft and to each other.
Stay well and keep moving forward.
Robb McDaniels
CEO, Beatport

29y passionate guy about music, social media, digital marketing and infographics!
I founded youBEAT in 2012 as manifesto of my passion for electronic music, with the aim of promoting artists and events.
Graduated in Media Languages at UCSC in Milan (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) with a thesis on the revolution of daily life with the streaming in entertainment and information.
Everyday more passionate and keen about data, tools and music insights and their connection in this everyday faster social connected world.
From 2017-2023 A&R, Marketing and International Manager at EGO Music (
In 2024 I founded MAVIL, my artists&labels mgmt and promotion solo company!